

Stack Blue has worked on redesigning the website, creating, optimizing, and posting on social media, running social media ads, and running ads on Google and Bing. Stack Blue has focused on the local market with various tactics, such as honing in on the benefits of a well optimized Google Listing. We regularly meet with NY Med so that we can constantly tweak our marketing efforts to meet the ever changing needs as new classes start. 

Digital Marketing for Vocational Training Schools

NY Medical Career Training

NY Med had two campuses but was struggling to find the right students to fill their classrooms with. Many of the leads they would get were for students who never signed up for their classes. That’s when NY Med decided to switch marketing companies and go with Stack Blue. We have created a comprehensive digital presence and marketing plan that has increased enrollment and helped NY Med open their third campus. 

The right marketing campaign is essential for growing a business

Understand why promoting your brand is important!

We know the importance of a good layout, so we are here to take your product to your right customer.
Tech Team Augmentation

Expanding ShapeNet features

ShapeNet has a great software for managing every aspect of a gym, but their software was build 15 years ago and their current development team was struggling to meet the ever growing list of new features their customers needed. ShapeNet came with Stack Blue when they needed additional developers to join seamlessly with their team, while providing industry best practices that helped to modernize their code base. With our flexible tech team augmentation plans, we’ve been able to give the ShapeNet system a more modern design that makes the system easy to use and maintain. 


Stack Blue was able to provide dedicated iOS, Android, and backend developers while pulling in experts in UI and UX as needed to grow the ShapeNet software in the right direction. Our industry expertise meant that we can lead ShapeNet towards modernizing their dev tooling to improve the development experience. 

Enterprise Resource Planning Software

AMCA certification management

AMCA knew they needed a new website. Once they got a new website, they knew they needed a system to better manage their data. Eventually, they realized that they needed a system that could help manage their business and grow with them. Stack Blue has been with AMCA every step of the way to build a modular ERP system that grows with the business. All major company functions are now managed in the ERP developed by Stack Blue and the system continues to evolve as AMCA grows their own business model. 

Initial Idea

We start with exploratory meetings that get all stack holders to voice their current frustrations and wish list items

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All company functions need to be coordinated and development needs to be planned out based on value add features

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During the development process we engage in regular demos and testing cycles to make sure all expectations are met

AMCA ERP Features:
  • Registering candidate
  • Payments and invoicing
  • Automated reminders 
  • Complex business rules engine
  • Multi-level user roles 
  • Staff management 
  • Organization of work queue